Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Zur Startseite Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball
Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Zur Startseite Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball
Jane Austen Ball Zur Startseite Musikaufnahmen, CDs, DVDs, Tanznoten, Partituren, Veröffentlichungen, Fachliteratur, Tanzbeschreibungen Zur Startseite Kontakt, Impressum Links, nützliche Internetseiten Jane Austen Ball
Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball
Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball
Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball
Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball Jane Austen Ball

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Der Große Jane Austen Ball Der Große Jane Austen Ball
D E R   G R O S S E   J A N E   A U S T E N   B A L L   2 0 2 5
Grand Regency ball
21st June 2025 • Schloss • Eichstätt

As we know from Jane Austen's novels
and other sources around 1800, or can read about it,
the balls of the season were
extremely important events for high society.
They were there, especially for young ladies,
to be introduced into society.
A real marriage market to meet young men
outside the family who were looking to get married
and to find a suitable match.
The fact that a lady who danced more than two rounds
with a man was considered engaged
and the fear of being blamed as a stigma
without an engagement after the first ball season
shows for me how important dancing
was still considered at that time.
At our ball, as always, dancing and the joy
of charming encounters take center stage.
The repertoire I have developed offers a wealth of dances
that flourished between the years 1770 and 1820.
These will all be learned during the week,
but will also be demonstrated again at the ball,
and then danced collectively
with all the guests in the entertaining
form of a dance floor with a „caller”.
The program consists primarily of light
and amusing dances from around 1800.
Only „Mr. Beveridges Maggot” stands out here.
This dance dates back to 1695, a century earlier.
It must not be missing at any Jane Austen ball,
as it was used in key scenes,
the declarations of love at the ball,
in both the film adaptations
of „Pride & Prejudice” and „Emma”.
The final selection will be published towards the end of the year
Here the last ball's program

Double & Tripple Minors
Lady Shaftesbury
Kauntze, 1795

Champbel has got his wife again
Preston, 1799
Dance description/Calls (click here)
First of April (The)
Thompson, 1780,
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Music-CD:Recorded music: P&P Collection I
Rainbow (The)
Thompson, 1780
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Recorded music: Dance & Danceability
Mrs. Blair of Blairs Reel
Campbell, 1801
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Knole Park
Voigt, 1809
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Mr Beveridge's Maggot
Playford, 1695
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Music-CD:Recorded music: P&P Collection II
Comical Fellow (The)
Thompson, 1776
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Music-CD:Recorded music: P&P Collection I
Village Maid (The)
Campbell, 1786
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Duke of Kent's Waltz (The)
Cahusac, 1801
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Music-CD:Recorded music: P&P Collection I
Go to the Devil and shake yourself
Kauntze, 1795,
Dance description/Calls (click here)
Music-CD:Recorded music: P&P Collection IV
Prince William of Gloucester's Waltz (The)
Preston, 1801
Recorded music: P&P Collection IV
Sprigs of Laurel (The)
Thompson, 1790
Recorded music: P&P Collection I
We will down with the French
Thompson, 1780
Recorded music: P&P Collection IV
Dress'd Ship (The)
Thompson, 1774
Vauxhall Gipsey (The)
Preston, 1794

Jane Austen Ball
During the courses, German is predominantly spoken.
For the ball, all calls are now again in German and English,
but still using the historical English names for the dance figures.
I refer to the figure catalogs of the era.
A list/catalog of the figures will be sent out before the event
and made available on the website.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
I wish you a smooth participation and lots of enjoyment.

Peter Hoffmann
Phone: +49 / (0)9 11 / 21 28 108
Mail:  info@jane-austen-ball.de

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